Making Orange Cakes At Home - Easiest Method

Making orange cakes is very easy compared to another fancy cakes that we eat. There are several things that we would need to keep handy before we start the entire process of making orange cakes.

List of things required to make orange cakes
  1. Flour to make dough
  2. Oranges
  3. Milk
  4. Cream
  5. Flavor
  6. Platter Design Material
Once we have our requirements in place for making the orange cake, it will take us only an hour to make the cake. So what are we waiting for? Let's start.
Making Orange Cakes At Home - Easiest Method
Making Orange Cakes At Home - Easiest Method
  • Take a bowl full of fresh lukewarm water and put 500 grams of flour in it to make dough. Make sure that the water is not more than 2 Litres in the bowl.
  • We will need to now kneed properly and make the dough base as soft as possible.
  • Once the dough is ready, add orange flavor while mixing it with egg whites and cream. Additional flavor can be added as per taste requirements
  • Mix everything and now keep it in oven for 25 minutes.
And the cake is now ready! Tada..

To order my recipe book, please visit Amazon.

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